Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Disturbing Racist Rape Exercise Video-Godfrey as Ty Bowman

Am I humorless? This video did not make me laugh once.

In fact, it made me uncomfortable. Humor often hides a serious point. And I don't think you need a college education to see that Godfrey is tired of getting frightened vibes from white women. I feel for him. I really do.

Does that mean I would advise women to ignore their "little voice" as they walk down the street? No, I won't do that. One might end up as Robin of Berkeley did. She ignored the little voice in her head warning her about the approaching thug. She didn't want to seem racist. She was beaten down a liberal, and rose, bloody but unbowed, a conservative.

Studies from the late 1950s showed that the vast majority of rapes were same-race offenses. Research in Philadelphia carried out in 1958 and 1960 indicated that of all rapes, only 3.2 percent were black-on-white assaults and 3.6 percent were white-on-black. Since that time, the proportion of black-on-white rapes has soared. In a 1974 study in Denver, 40 percent of all rapes were of whites by blacks, and not one case of white-on-black rape was found. In general, through the 1970s, black-on-white rape was at least ten times more common that white-on-black rape. [319]

Because interracial rape is now overwhelmingly black on white, it has become difficult to do research on it or to find relevant statistics. The FBI keeps very detailed national records on crime, but the way it presents rape data obscures the racial element rather than clarifies it. Dr. William Wilbanks, a criminologist at Florida International University, had to sift carefully through the data to find that in 1988 there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white rape and fewer than ten cases of white-on-black rape. [320] Another researcher concludes that in 1989, blacks were three or four times more likely to commit rape than whites, and that black men raped white women thirty times as often as white men raped black women. [321]

Interracial crime figures are even worse than they sound. Since there are more than six times as many whites as blacks in America, it means that any given black person is vastly more likely to commit a crime against a white than vice versa.
More here.

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