Wednesday, May 19, 2010

That Creaking Sound You Hear...

Might just be Eric Holder's justice department getting ready to collapse. Is the Black Panther case about to blow wide open? Will J. Christian Adams expose unlawful dealings in the Obama Justice Department now that he has resigned?

Eric Holder has stonewalled Congress, the Civil Rights Commission, and the American people regarding the inexplicable order that political appointees at Justice gave last year to drop the slam dunk winning case against the New Black Panther party.

Members of the group were caught on tape clearly intimidating white voters at a Philadelphia polling place. A summary judgment followed but before sentencing, Justice dropped the case. When some Republican senators asked why, Holder refused to comply with requests for an explanation. Even a US Civil Rights Commission subpoena couldn't get Holder to supply them with a reason why he dropped a case that Justice had already won.

Now it appears that someone is going to talk. And what he has to say will no doubt prove very interesting to Congress....

In his letter of resignation, the attorney, J. Christian Adams, expresses his concerns over his personal exposure to prosecution for contempt because Justice refuses to respond to the lawful requests from the US Civil Rights Commission:
More at American Thinker.

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