Sunday, May 16, 2010

Speechmaker-In-Chief Strangely Silent About Iran/Al Qaida Alliance

General David Petraeus mentioned two months ago that Al Qaida "continues to use Iran as a key facilitation hub, where facilitators connect al Qaidas senior leadership to regional affiliates."

Last Thursday the Associated Press reported that "Al-Qaida operatives who have been detained for years in Iran have been making their way quietly in and out of the country, raising the prospect that Iran is loosening its grip on the terror group so it can replenish its ranks, former and current U.S. intelligence officials say....Some experts believe that anyone from al-Qaida freed to leave Iran must be returning to the battlefield...
Others believe that, with al-Qaida families left behind, terrorists may actually be working for Iran, gathering intelligence or passing messages before returning to Iran."

Hat Tip Director Blue.

Well, it's a good thing Iran isn't enriching Uranium to 20% when power reactors only need 3.5% enrichment.
Oh, wait. They are.

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