Thursday, October 14, 2010

A View of Panicky Desperation

That's the way I saw Joy and Whoopie's storming off of their own television set because they couldn't handle Bill O'Reilly's truth. Their lack of ability to answer him coherently led them to create a scene in order to distract from the topic they had lost control of.

What I think really happened here is that O'Reilly hit them square in the face with the fact that 70% of Americans agree with him that the 9/11 victory mosque is inappropriate, given that muslims attacked us on 9/11, and that Obama is on the wrong side of that issue. This, right after he bested them by stopping them from blaming Bush for the bad economy, saying the statute of limitations had run out on the Bush argument, and that Americans rightly blame Obama for wasting a trillion of our borrowed dollars on stimulus that did not help and probably harmed the economy.

Time to hit the screech button. Time to storm off the set. Time to swear "bleep"! I read Whoopie's lips while she was swearing. They really should put a black rectangle over her mouth when she talks like that. Those kinds of remarks certainly don't deserve any air time.

But hey, let them storm and stomp. The leftists will follow their lead on November 3rd and 4th and thereafter. Shout and rail all you like, lefties. Americans are about to take back control of this great nation and you had better get ready.

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