Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yes, this election will be a referendum on Obamacare.

Some disagree, but of course it is. Obamacare is the crown jewel that Dems stuffed down our throats in their zeal to "fundamentally change America". It is the poison pill that continues to paralyze private industry, ruining the job market. It was the work of ideologues, to do something so destructive during an economic downturn.

We don't want to find ourselves lying helpless in a hospital bed like 37-year-old Jaimie Merrett, while our life support systems are turned off by an indifferent health "care" behemoth.

Why do we have to break the best health care system in the world! People FLY HERE from all over the world for care. We need to throw out all politicians who do not believe in American exceptionalism. Our politicians should be rooting for us, not cutting us off at the knees then laughing about it.

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