Saturday, October 2, 2010

OK, so I was reading over at FireDogLake...

Commenter ratfood said that Obama wouldn't implement his internment camps for progressives until after the 2012 election. And that when the leftists were out of power, that would the the one policy that the conservatives would keep in effect.

Yikes. Paranoid much? Evidence? Location? Memos? Anything?

And they also said that of course the One Socialist Nation rally would fall short of expectations because it was only promoted for one month, and only then by Ed Schultz, and virtually not at all by Olbermann or Maddow.

OK. Rationalization and excuses. Check.

And they said that although there was bussing, all the people on the busses had to pay their own fare, which was $45, and that this proves that the attendees are not astroturf.

Hmmm. I'm still suspicious. I saw a picture that shows a bunch of them wearing the same colored t-shirts, and that smacks of an odd level of organization for a so-called grassroots event.

Commenter Kittygalore castigated Obama for not taking over the banking system in early 2009 when he had the chance, or at least SOME banks, and also for not ramming through healthcare before the August 2009 recess, which allowed the townhall phenomenon to flourish, which caused all sorts of "depraved" ideas to be introduced into healthcare, basically ruining the public option plan.

I've gotta tell you. If this is what it would take to make these people happy, I'm tickled PINK to see them disappointed. I hope they have many more disappointments coming. It is not about rubbing their progressive noses in their failure, it is about preserving free America and capitalism, the driving engine of economic and real freedom. The person who is not economically free is a slave. Money equals work/time/effort. When that is stolen by the state through punishing taxes, the person is effectively enslaved. I'm sorry that the progressives feel that the hard work of others belongs to them. We already have a progressive tax system. It is not punishing enough to those rich people to keep the leftists happy, and that is too bad. They will have to go to bed with envy eating up their hearts, I guess. Someday perhaps they will learn that happiness comes from within. Contentment is the key. Thou shalt not covet, and things of that sort.

And last but not least, fpfan44 said:

Im a die hard liberal, and this was awful..I was hoping for 100’s of thousands and were lucky if we got 75,000. This kills me but I think we are in trouble, and so much anger it really turned me off, sorry.
just read what they are saying…this as I watched, was a real punch in the gut.

"big flop" "bustup" "event a bust" la la la la. Sounds like music to me.

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