Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What A Relief

I have been enjoying the respite from the Obama Daily Outrages that had been jammed down our throats for the first 18 months of Obama's presidency. We now possess a legislature that would rather vacate than legislate. Would that they could have vacated their offices just before destroying the greatest health care system in the world. Obama has attempted a fundamental transformation of the United States, and with luck, we shall have it. Only not in the way Obama imagines. My hope is that the conservative resurgence will do Reagan one better. Maybe we can make progress back to the original intent of the constitution. Wouldn't it be great if we could end all declared states of emergency so that the president would stop legislating via executive orders? I hope we can defund and defang Obamacare before more hospitals go under.

I hope the dems don't damage their party any further by lame duck shenanigans. Jamming more hateful legislation down our throats will not win them elections. Not now, and not anytime soon. Maybe not until a new generation of youngsters is re-educated.

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