Friday, April 27, 2007

4th and final ultrasound with RE

Today was my last day seeing my reproductive endocrinologist. Now I graduate to seeing only the obstetrician. The ultrasound was so FUN! The little bub grew great. Six days ago baby measured 19mm and today measures 29mm. Really wonderful growth. The expected measurement for 10 weeks is 31mm, and that doesn't happen until Tuesday (4 days from now). So I think it is safe to say I am measuring at least 2 days ahead. I got to see all the fingers and toes. Little one was wiggling, and looked like maybe baby was sucking it's thumb. Let's just say the hand never left the mouth area. And baby hiccupped TWICE! That was so cute to see.

Doc said that there is some fluid behind the placenta, probably blood, and that I shouldn't get upset if I bleed a little this week. Honestly, he has been telling me the same thing for the past 3 weeks. I never seem to lose anything except maybe some clear fluid. Not even amber colored. I have not spotted in this pregnancy after my menstrual period was over. He told me to take it easy and avoid gym workouts and such, and I will do that.

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