Saturday, April 14, 2007

Another perfect ultrasound

I had the presence of mind to jot down notes during the ultrasound today, so here are the statistics. Heartbeat was "over 120" and strong, but his machine doesn't measure it like a doppler. The gestational sac was 22mm (I think it was 15 last time). The yolk sac was 4mm (good that it is small, apparently). The embryo was 11.6mm, up from 3mm last time, perfect growth! And he measured the corpus luteum as 14mm. He didn't measure the free fluid but said that it had gone down and there was much less of it. Overall another perfect ultrasound. I need to look up the exact measurements on the internet to find out the exact day of my measurements, although perhaps I should just relax and enjoy this healthy pregnancy.

EDIT: I went to a website and the 7 week measurement is 8mm for the embryo. Add 1mm for each day. If I take 11.6 to equal 12mm, then I measure 7weeks plus 4 days (the difference between 12 and 8mm. My ticker reads 7weeks and 4 days today EXACTLY!

Another thing. I asked when he would be kicking me out. He said he would follow me another few weeks until around 10 weeks. In that case, I said, what about CVS, Nuchal Translucency tests and all that. He said that for my age it was appropriate to go straight to CVS and skip the nuchal, because the NT test is more for younger women. It only screens for downs. That makes a lot of sense to me. I can't understand why my OB wants to put off the CVS testing and have me do the general screening tests first, when I am really so old and high risk. And I had 2 amnios with the other boys. So why would we do *less* testing with this baby when I am so much older now? My RE's advice sounds perfect. I will cancel the first tri screening with the other guys and go to his doctor at UC Irvine for the CVS test. That will give me a lot of peace of mind for the rest of the pregnancy. I have very little confidence now.

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