Saturday, April 28, 2007

I moved up my due date one day

I was hoping I could do this. Originally, the ovulation stick went positive late on Sunday night. I had ovulation type pains starting Sunday afternoon, into Monday. My temp didn't rise precipitously until Wednesday. So that set ovulation as sometime between Sunday, Monday and Tuesday around March 6th. I went ahead and left it on Tuesday in case I was measuring behind for dates on my ultrasounds, I didn't want the doctor to think something was wrong. Now that I am measuring consistently ahead, I feel confident going with Monday as the day. I know, big deal. One day this way or that. But I'm happy.

I called the RE back this morning because my husband was worried that I told him there was blood behind the placenta. The RE corrected me and said that he said there was a fluid accumulation in the central uterine canal, and that there was no blood behind the placenta. I must have heard him wrong yesterday. Or maybe he misspoke. This is good news. I always have fluid in the central uterine canal. And that is no threat to the baby. Although DH is still not off the hook because I told him that he needs to come to Costco with me and pick up all the heavy cases of V8 and juice. {wink}

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