Wednesday, June 6, 2007

still no test results

I called the ped office and they might not have the fifth disease test results back for another couple of days yet. Hmph. I hate waiting.

Devan, you asked about my daughter. She is coming here in a week from tomorrow. Thursday late am is the pickup time. I need to show up at her dorm without boys and without any seats in the minivan, so we can get all her stuff loaded and carted back to my house. Realistically, this will be my last full summer with her. She and several of her dorm friends have a lease starting on an apartment (cheaper than dorm living) this September. So next summer she will not be kicked out of her place of residence like this year. We talked about it and she is thinking of getting a job as a waitress this summer because that is a way to make the most money in the shortest amount of time. I agree with her. Her father worked his way through law school as a waiter at fine restaurants and that was working so well he was tempted not to go to law school. She is heading into finals week and is recovering from a week of fun because her boyfriend finally returned from Iraq about a week ago. He is really quite a man. I have the highest respect for the young people who put their lives on the line to protect all of us so that we can live peaceful lives and raise our children without fear. Anybody who does that is a full-fledged grown-up in my book. And he's nice, too. Treats her well, and that is the most important thing.

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