Saturday, June 16, 2007

two more injections until amnio day

I'm trying really hard to remember to stop my Lovenox (blood thinner) injections on time for the amnio. It's really coming up fast now. I only have 2 more injections, Sunday and Monday morning. I skip Tuesday, and Wednesday is the amnio. I resume injections Thursday morning. I doubt I will be online Wednesday afternoon, more likely Thursday afternoon. The test is at 1pm PDT. I plan on going straight to bed/couch and staying horizontal for the afternoon of Wednesday. I will see Thursday morning how I feel. I remember at my last amnio, I felt a sharp abdominal pain if I got up to do anything on the afternoon of the test, but that feeling went away after a good night's sleep.

It will be fun to find out the gender, hopefully, at the ultrasound. I can't wait to see if the snowy white baby blanket I'm crocheting will have a pink or a blue border.

If they can't see the gender then I will know for sure by the time the amnio results are due, 2 weeks after the test, on July 4th.

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