Friday, September 21, 2007

The nurses rolled their eyes...

...when I told them that the ffn test had been performed about 4 hours after DTD. They later told me that the ffn tests for protein, and that semen or blood *will* cause a false positive. Not maybe. Will. I didn't know. I had heard rumors on the internet, of course, and mentioned it to the doc office in the afternoon, not the morning, but I guess doc was CYAing.

So there were a couple of good contrax and a few very small ones. More of an irritable uterus. And the little guy had a nice heart rate that responded well to his kicking and the contrax. She said his tracing looked "beautiful". Another good thing was that I got to go scope out the parking situation. I haven't been down there for my official hospital tour yet, and I didn't want to have to walk a mile to L&D in full labor. They have these nice parking spots in front of the ER that are for maternity drop-off. I'm still a little perturbed to have to be going to a new hospital this time. The hospital I had delivered my 2 youngest boys at closed their maternity ward last year!!!! It was a 10 minute drive to that hospital. And so now I have to drive 35 minutes. Which may not seem like a lot, but in full labor, every block and bump while driving is agony. And my labors go so fast. I better get into the car a little earlier than I did for the last one. 6cm when I got into the car and 7cm when they checked me at the hospital. A longer drive would *definitely* have affected things.

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