Thursday, September 20, 2007

Off to labor and delivery

It's not as dramatic as it sounds, lol. I tend to get preterm-ish bh contrax with every pregnancy, and never delivered before 9 days before the due date. I had been getting more this past week and complained to the doc about it at my checkup this am. I told him that they were coming sometimes every 3 minutes in the evening about every 3 days. Which is really typical for me. He did an ffn test to be safe, and told me my cervix palpated as long and closed. I just heard from the doc office that the ffn was positive and I need to report to l&d to get on the monitor. I asked if BD 4 hours before the test might cause a false positive. They said even if it is a false pos, I need to be monitored. I'm not too bothered, because I really have been worrying about the little guy. I'm a worrier, and the little one has been having a lot of hiccups, which I also told the doctor about. He assured me the hiccups were fine. So now I'm waiting 45 minutes for dh to get home from work. No way I'm dragging 3 boys to l&d, ages 8, 4 and 2. I'll bring my crocheting and a reading book and maybe get some shut-eye. ;-)

Ooops. There was a mild contraction. Maybe I shouldn't have vacuumed my car out just now. But I couldn't STAND the crumbs anymore. :-?

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