Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Comments from the ladies

Today it started. I walked into the mommy-and-me class with my youngest and the ladies looked at my belly. One of them said, "are you *still* pregnant?? Haven't you had that baby YET???" I said, "Thanksgiving." So is that in 3 weeks? 2 months? No, closer to 5 weeks. Then another mom chimed in "you look so small." I plastered my dress to my belly to show how large the bump was, assuring her that the baby measured average like all my kids, then she said, "I mean the rest of you is so small". That one made me smile. I said "that's the whole idea. To have the baby and be back to my normal size." I know the first gal didn't mean any harm. It is just that I want to try to savor these last weeks of calm before the "baby storm" starts. And to parade my huge 8-9 month belly around town. I was thinking today of the preemie moms who miss out on that part of the third trimester. I am determined to enjoy it without ruining this special time with negative thinking. Of course I have my aches and pains. It is hard to turn over at night. I had a lot of contractions yesterday and one of my uterine ligaments was very sore. I even took the day off work because of it, and that is highly unusual for me. I have my OB appt tomorrow, so I am sure they will check things out. I might even be due for my Bstrep test. I had been avoiding watching those TLC channel shows about ladies giving birth, but with my day off and resting in the recliner, I decided to tune in yesterday. Of course, it turned out to be a most devastating show. The lady was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer around the time of her positive pregnancy test. When she was in labor, she mentioned that she was having "pregnancy pain" below her waist, and deep nerve pain of some sort above her waist. That sounded like a very bad sign. Cancer is not supposed to be painful unless it has spread. Then on the last moment of the show they said that it was in memoriam of her and she died in 2005. :-(

I need to take a new belly shot. I want one with the kid(s). I have a cute one from 34 weeks in my prior pregnancy with DS all smiles hugging my belly. He (the 8-y-o) gets SO excited about the new babies. He kisses my tummy every night when I hug him goodnight, and he says goodnight to the little baby.

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