Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today's OB appointment

The "bad" news (I use quotations because while I find it disturbing, my OB says it is standard) is that there was a trace of protein in my urine. No sugar. I looked carefully at the strip myself, and saw the one square was clear yellow, and the other square was yellow with a greenish tint around the leading edge. My blood pressure is 115/63 though, which negates any concern related to protein in the urine. As spilling protein and high blood pressure could indicate toxemia/pre-eclampsia, but that does not appear to be the case for me. So what *does* it mean? Doc says my kidneys are working overtime to filter for 2, and that they will tend to spill protein/sugar off and on no matter what I eat, and it is not related to what I eat. Not to over do the sugar, of course, but I don't have to completely stay away from it either. I mean, I HAVE to eat SOMETHING. I'm HUNGRY. OK, I'll stop shouting. But don't stand between a pregnant woman and her food. Really. ;-)

Otherwise, the baby's heart beat was 143 and the fundus measured 37 cm, still 1.5 weeks ahead. This is on par with the measurement of my youngest, who, at 2 days before his due date weighed a little over 8 pounds. That is good. Oh, and my Beta Strep was negative, so I won't have to take IV antibiotics during delivery. Yay!

I also had some questions for the doc. I mentioned the hypoglycemic episode last week and he didn't think it was a big deal. Just don't go hungry. And I asked him if I would be in danger if I went into labor so quickly that I didn't have time to skip a heparin shot. Would I bleed to death? He said no. That is not generally a problem, and if my uterus bleeds too much, they can inject some stuff called Hemabate directly into the uterus. This might be a type of prostaglandin, I'm not sure. I'll have to do a search and find out more about it.

So it was a good appointment. Baby is healthy, growing on schedule. My weight is good. Up 20 pounds since I started weighing in. I'm still on schedule for a 25 pound weight gain, which is perfect for me.

This weekend the 8-y-o and 4-y-o go to their sibling class at the hospital. They are to bring a baby doll or teddy bear for diaper changes. I am really excited about this. It seems so much more real to me with the family involved in going to the hospital to learn about the new baby. :-)

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