Monday, June 2, 2008

It Worked!

The district lady called today and I got the IEE. She is sending all the paperwork to me now. She tried to talk me into agreeing to another team through the district, implying that it was six of one, half dozen of the other, but I didn't buy it. I told her how my husband is a doctor and does QME exams all the time for work comp patients, and how I thought that the IEE was the equivalent of a QME and how I felt it would help to have an independent evaluator. I also specified a couple of areas where the assessment team minimized negative test results. And even though my son might not need services at this time, having a better, more accurate diagnosis could help him in the long run as he goes higher in school and is expected to work more and more independently. She said she would be sending me a bunch of "legal paperwork", but that I would probably not find it difficult to deal with at all since I was familiar with the QME process.

YAY YAY YAY! Doing the Snoopy happy dance here. One more hurdle surmounted. Life happens one step and a time and this is all I can ask for at the moment.

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