Monday, June 30, 2008

Just say NO to Frumpy Mom

I admit it. I had fallen into the trap of being a "frumpy mom". So many reasons for it. Not enough time to shop for myself. Not enough energy. Wanting to save money for the family. Wanting to be perceived by my husband as a team player/frugal wife financially. Being perpetually pregnant/nursing.

There were symptoms. My daughter had commented over the past few years that I needed to update my wardrobe. It isn't that I don't own nice outfits. It is just that most of my nice stuff is for going out. And that rarely happens nowadays. Otherwise, it was mostly jeans and t-shirts from Costco. The last straw came when I was in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. My aunt, bless her heart, never criticized me. It is just that she spoke at length about my favorite grandmother and about how well she always dressed. And the few times we drove by the Ann Taylor store she waxed poetic about how wonderful the clothes were there and how much she likes them. And she proceeded to show me some of her Ann Taylor clothes.

OK. I'm not stupid. I think she was trying to hint to me without being critical that I should dress better on a daily basis. So I thought about it for a while. I revisited my reasons for not shopping.

Not enough time to shop for myself.
This was probably true at one time. I was pregnant, then had a newborn. But this is no longer the case. I have a lady here working 5 days a week and I can squeeze in a 2-hour trip to a clothing store any time I want.

Not enough energy.
Such a weak excuse. I have the energy to do anything I set my mind to.

Wanting to save money for the family.
Yes and no. I mean, we have enough money. But saving is always good. I love investing, rather than going into debt, as a rule. But on the other hand, if one invests everything and wears "rags", what is the point of it all?

Wanting to be perceived by my husband as a team player/frugal wife financially.
It is good to not be perceived as a wildly out-of-control spender. But after 6 years of frugal marriage, I think my point has been made. Enough already. And also, men LIKE to be with a good-looking woman. And clothes *do* add to that.

Being perpetually pregnant/nursing.
Again, this excuse has outlived its time. I am nursing at present, but I found some cute clothes that work great with nursing. For example, I bought a few outfits with Over-Shirts and stretchy camisoles underneath. I leave the over-shirt unbuttoned on the top half to show the cute camisole, and that leaves easy access for baby.

To make a long story long ;-) I gave in to the irresistible urge to go to Ann Taylor and ended up going on a (for me)huge shopping spree. From now on I'll build my wardrobe probably one outfit at a time. But it was really fun. And I'm going to a party with the kids today and I am proud of the outfit I have chosen to wear.

Edited to add: I *did* get a compliment at the party on my shirt. :-D

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