Sunday, November 16, 2008

My house partially burned

I am home. I had to sneak up by a horse trail to get here because the roads are all blocked. My kids and I hiked all the way up. Our house has a hole burned in the roof of the garage, and the back deck is gone, and most of the plants. Apparently neighbors used garden hoses to save our house because the firemen didn't arrive for 1 1/2 hours. :roll: There was no evacuation, just fire and smoke.

I just got interviewed by a nice Aussie TV reporter for channel 10. So you may see me with baby A in the back pack being interviewed on tonight's newscast. :-D

Our immediate neighborhood lost 7 homes. Including my next door neighbor. It was a miracle my house survived.

I'll get pictures for you soon. Trying to settle the kids in and clear out the smoke smell.

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