Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cap and Kill the Economy

You may have seen the gravestone citing America's creation date and the day of it's death. We now know the official death date of the United States of America was June 26, 2009. It didn't take a missile loaded with nukes from North Korea. It didn't take Al Qaeda to attack the economy with terrorism. It took eight Republicans and a few Democrats who failed to represent the people so they can relish in their narcissism.

In the coming years you will see factories close and go overseas--tired of trying to be patriotic and keep the jobs in America because of taxes on their production of carbon dioxide--a gas needed on the planet for life to exist. For you environmentalist who can't think beyond today, they will head to a country where there are no regulations, so tell me what did you win yesterday? One day you will realize you lost. You lost freedoms, jobs, and affordable energy.

I mourn today knowing the final knife into the back of great industrial power known as America was at the hands of eight Republicans--Mary Bono Mack (R-CA), Mike Castle (R-DE), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Leonard Lance (R-NJ), Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ), John McHugh (R-NJ), Dave Reichert (R-WA), and Rep. Chris Smith (NJ). If you seriously believe nationalized healthcare can be beat, you better look at how the Democrats bribed spineless politicians to change their votes during the cap and trade debate.
From Bungalow Bill's Conservative Wisdom.

This has special meaning for me. I live in the State of California. There are many people here who wonder why this state is almost bankrupt. Falling tax revenue and increased spending has certainly been a problem. The liberal-dominated state legislature has shown little, if any, restraint. But the crux of the issue began with creating a climate that was business-unfriendly. Businesses in this state were chased away by punitive taxes and rules. This created job loss. It was not remarkable that lower tax revenue resulted.

Obama, in his Saturday morning radio address today, touted the hundreds of jobs that are being created by his green projects. Those few jobs are a drop in the bucket compared to the number of jobs that should be available through a thriving free-market economy. Government jobs, in the economic sense, are not real jobs at all. They are paid with funny money. Picture this. Imagine a state where there is NO private economy. Everyone who works, works for the government. The government pays them, and they pay taxes back to the government, in addition to the costs of daily living. Their taxes are not enough to sustain the government. The system begins to starve. The only option is to borrow, which we do WAY too much. Print money, ala Monopoly, creating vicious inflation that impoverishes everybody. Or go bankrupt.

No, what this country needs is commerce. Private enterprise. Brave Americans with the confidence that their hard work will not earn them a kick in the teeth.

If the Cap and Tax bill passes the senate and is signed into law, don't come back to me and ask why our country is in financial trouble. Don't come crying and whining about jobs. If we allow our representatives to chase our businesses overseas, we have only ourselves to blame. You might need to polish up your passport and get a Rosetta Stone program and move your family overseas to get one of those jobs. Comprende?

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