"The ratio of donations for dealers that were shuttered was 42 to 1, GOP to Democrat.
Again here is what we know so far--
** Earlier it was reported that the Obama Administration may have targeted GOP donors in deciding which Chrysler dealerships would have to close their doors.
** Later it was discovered that a Big Dem Donor Group was allowed to keep all 6 Chrysler dealerships open.... And, their local competitors were eliminated.
Lets see, which lists am I on?
- believer that BHO will stop at nothing to attain power
- believer that our Democracy is at serious risk, and am afraid
- Love my country, don't apologize for anything
- believer in Liberty, not Tyranny
- Love Country music
- Reagan conservative, registered constitutional party
- believer that the country is being pushed towards European style socialism
- donor to many Republican candidates in the past
- physician who is opposed to Socialized Health Care
- pro-life, advertise that fact with pro-life car tags
- listener to conservative talk radio
- watcher of Fox news
- refuse to watch CNN, MSNBC, or any of the network news programs
- thinks that the New York Times is no better than Pravda
- reader of the Constitution, and wonders why BHO is trying to tear it down
- anti-illegal immigration, pro legal immigration
- Vigorous 2nd Amendment supporter
- gun owner
- attender of gun shows
- NRA Life member, sports NRA bumper stickers, T-shirts, etc.
- Believer in God, wants to keep "In God we trust"
- vehemently opposed to the massive government spending of late
- contributor to political PACs
- believer that we are at war with Islamofascists, user of the term "Terrorist"
- believer in term limits - "throw all the bums out and start new"
- supporter of the Fair Tax
- supporter of Israel, and believer that they have the right to take out Iran's nukes
- supporter of "Drill here, drill now, pay less"
- thinks that man caused Global Climate Change is BS
- opposed to government bail outs of Banks, Auto companies, whatever
- thinks that Supreme Court Justices should interpret the law, not make policy
- believer that the country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles
- don't want to pay any one else's mortgage
- believer that BHO is dangerous and often blog to that fact
- supporter of the military
- retired USN"
Thanks to 1veritas.
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