Monday, June 8, 2009

How many lists are you on?

"The ratio of donations for dealers that were shuttered was 42 to 1, GOP to Democrat.

Again here is what we know so far--
** Earlier it was reported that the Obama Administration may have targeted GOP donors in deciding which Chrysler dealerships would have to close their doors.
** Later it was discovered that a Big Dem Donor Group was allowed to keep all 6 Chrysler dealerships open.... And, their local competitors were eliminated.

Lets see, which lists am I on?

- believer that BHO will stop at nothing to attain power
- believer that our Democracy is at serious risk, and am afraid
- Love my country, don't apologize for anything
- believer in Liberty, not Tyranny
- Love Country music
- Reagan conservative, registered constitutional party
- believer that the country is being pushed towards European style socialism
- donor to many Republican candidates in the past
- physician who is opposed to Socialized Health Care
- pro-life, advertise that fact with pro-life car tags
- listener to conservative talk radio
- watcher of Fox news
- refuse to watch CNN, MSNBC, or any of the network news programs
- thinks that the New York Times is no better than Pravda
- reader of the Constitution, and wonders why BHO is trying to tear it down
- anti-illegal immigration, pro legal immigration
- Vigorous 2nd Amendment supporter
- gun owner
- attender of gun shows
- NRA Life member, sports NRA bumper stickers, T-shirts, etc.
- Believer in God, wants to keep "In God we trust"
- vehemently opposed to the massive government spending of late
- contributor to political PACs
- believer that we are at war with Islamofascists, user of the term "Terrorist"
- believer in term limits - "throw all the bums out and start new"
- supporter of the Fair Tax
- supporter of Israel, and believer that they have the right to take out Iran's nukes
- supporter of "Drill here, drill now, pay less"
- thinks that man caused Global Climate Change is BS
- opposed to government bail outs of Banks, Auto companies, whatever
- thinks that Supreme Court Justices should interpret the law, not make policy
- believer that the country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles
- don't want to pay any one else's mortgage
- believer that BHO is dangerous and often blog to that fact
- supporter of the military
- retired USN"

Thanks to 1veritas.

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