Thursday, June 18, 2009

Internet=favorite source of news, Zogby says a WIDE margin.
A majority of adults nationwide - 56% - said that if they had to choose just one source for their news information, they would choose the Internet, the poll shows. In a distant second place was television, as 21% said they would prefer that medium over online sources.
Says Zogby International. Note that 10% choose paper newspapers.
Democrats were more likely to favor traditional sources of news than were Republicans. Among Republicans, 56% would prefer the Internet as their lone information source, while 50% of Democrats agreed. But when it came to newspapers, the difference was notable - 17% of Democrats would prefer newspapers as their only news source, while just 5% of Republicans agreed.

This makes sense. More Democrats prefer the liberal state-run media than Republicans.
The poll goes on to say that in 1998, the preference for internet news was at 38%, and television news was at 17%. Paper newspapers were at 16%, much higher than today. Gosh, what could have happened to cause Americans to become disillusioned with the nation's newspapers????!
Here is the part of the story that I disagree with.
By contrast, the political blogosphere was seen as much less important to most adults across the country. Just 28% said blogs that shared their political point of view were important, and 14% said they felt blogs from the opposite position on the political spectrum were important.

Where was the comparison to 1998 blog preferences? I bet it is MUCH higher now than then. So where does Zogby get the notion that the blogosphere was "much less important to most adults"? Compared to what? Less than other internet sources? That is the only thing I can think of. Because even if you take the average of 28% and 14%, which is 21%, this is still EQUAL to the number of people who prefer television news. THIS IS HUGE. Who would have ever dreamed that citizen journalists, Bloggers, would attain this type of stature so quickly. I see that the influence of the internet, and bloggers, is on the upswing. Look at the Tea Party movement. How did all those people get their information to show up at events? The internet. How are the Iranian protesters getting their information? The internet. Blogs. Twitter. We are growing in number and influence, folks. No doubt about it.
Face it. WE ROCK!

Edited to add an enthusiastic HELLO to the lovely ladies of Ann's Virtual Girl's Night Out.

Have I been told I look like a celebrity? Meredith Baxter Birney, on occasion.

"What would we do, baby, without us? What would we do baby, without us? Well there ain't no nothin' we can't love each other through. What would we do, baby, without us. Sha na na na."

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