Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This Burns Me Up

Obama says that the FEDERAL DEFICIT is caused by health care. Ya. Crisis, crisis! And the solution happens to be whatever is at the top of Obama's agenda at the time. Nice try, BOZO. Then he goes on to talk about Medicare and Medicaid growing at an unaffordable rate. And his solution is to SPEND MORE MONEY COVERING MORE AMERICANS. This is the most bass-ackwards reasoning I have ever heard!
President Obama blamed health care costs for the mounting federal deficit, saying Tuesday the country will spend $1 out of every $5 on health care within the next 10 years if the government does not mandate reform.

Describing the need to control costs as the administration's "top priority," the president said health costs as the "primary driver" of the federal deficit.

"The U.S. government is not going to be able to afford Medicare and Medicaid on its current trajectory," Obama told reporters during his fourth solo news conference Tuesday. "The notion that we can somehow keep on doing what we're doing and that's somehow OK, that's just not true."

More here.

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