Monday, June 15, 2009

Is it over for Achmadinejad?


Azarmehr thinks it's over.

"There is so much to post, I don't even know where to begin! but as I said on Aljazeera English, once the crowds reach 2 million that is it, there is no going back. This is the critical mass I have always talked about. This is what tips the balance, when people see such large numbers, their fear disappears and at the same time the riot guards become more unwilling to beat up the protesters and scared of their own future. We have now reached that point. So long as people lead with their demands and are not fooled by compromises designed to take the sting out of their momentum, then our day has finally come!"

The Basji thugs have begun to use machetes and shooting into the crowds from the rooftops. There is blood in the streets. It may be that this will inflame the Iranian people to stand up for democracy. Azarmehr is hoping for the establishment of a secular democracy in Iran. Could we, as a world, be so lucky? If it happens, it will be no thanks to Obama.

Thank you, Gateway Pundit, for pointing me to these stories.

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