Sunday, November 1, 2009

Grassfire Not Allowed to Present Obamacare Petitions!

Please contact your representatives today and ongoing this week. We are in a fight for control of America. Will bureaucrats control our very health and life? Click here for contact information.

RightKlik points out:

Democrats give unelected officials a big stack of blank checks.

Here are some of my "favorites":

Rationing: "The Secretary shall make such adjustments as are necessary to eliminate such deficit, including reducing benefits, increasing premiums, or establishing waiting lists."
Preventing tort reform: "The Secretary shall make an incentive payment, in an amount determined by the Secretary, to each State that has an alternative medical liability law in compliance with this section ...[if] the law does not limit attorneys’ fees or impose caps on damages."
Defining health care: "The term 'health benefits' means medical, surgical, hospital, prescription drug, and such other benefits as shall be determined by the Secretary."
Micromanaging hospitals: e.g., "The Secretary shall not permit an increase in the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of a hospital under clause (i)..."
Micromanaging random diseases: e.g., "The Secretary shall, to the extent practical, identify and implement policies promoting proper use of abdominal aortic aneurysm screening among Medicare beneficiaries at risk for such aneurysms."

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