Monday, November 16, 2009

Could Health Care Get Bogged Down in the Senate?

Consider this.
The Senate and the House have been devising entirely separate bills on healthcare reform. Although the House has approved a bill, the Senate has not. With sharp differences of opinion among top Democrats in the Senate hampering the approval of a specific bill, the Senate has been tied up in committee sessions, closed-door meetings, and endless consultations with special interests, in order to somehow come up with a bill that will at least partially satisfy everyone involved.
Reid believes that he finally has a bill that will satisfy most Democratic Senators, but no one has seen it, and top Republicans are complaining that they have been totally shut out of the process.
It is this mysterious bill that will be placed on the Senate floor for debate this week. But remember, even if such a bill passes, which is highly doubtful, healthcare reform will still not yet become law.
More here from Anthony G. Martin at the Columbia Conservative Examiner.

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