Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Democrats Raise Alarm Over Health Bill Costs

Thankfully not everyone is out of their collective minds and understand we are already 12 TRILLION dollars in debt and the health care reform proposed is sure to bankrupt the country, if it isn't already too late.

As reported by The New York Times:

"As health care legislation moves toward a crucial airing in the Senate, the White House is facing a growing revolt from some Democrats and analysts who say the bills Congress is considering do not fulfill President Obama’s promise to slow the runaway rise in health care spending."

Well well, there is a GOD, when democratic legislators understand that spending more and more might just be a teeny tiny bit problematic. It's that elephant in the living room of the leftist big government types. Ooopsie

There are a few other things the Senate Democrats would consider:

Poll Deaf. If you feel ignored by the House of Representatives, you're not alone. A Rasmussen Reports poll this week reaffirmed that more Americans oppose (52%) health care legislation than favor (45%) it. Nevertheless, as last Saturday's legislative spectacle attests, Speaker Pelosi is still singing the health care tune.

Go Directly to Jail. As you know, in the 1,990-page bill that squeaked (220-215) out of the House on Saturday there's plenty of bad policy to fill this letter (and several more). What you may not know is that failing to comply with the new requirements in this legislation could land you in jail - for up to five years!

The most appalling effect of the Affordable Health Care for America Act is the extent of control which the federal government would exercise over individual health care decisions. The legislation requires you to purchase health insurance, whether you need it or want it, and dictates the parameters of your policy. What's more, failure to purchase insurance would result in a slew of fines and, as this letter from the Joint Committee on Taxation makes clear, failure to pay the fines would result in criminal penalties including "a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years."

AARP: Abandoning Seniors, Advancing AARP. In apparent disregard for the interests of senior citizens, the AARP supported the House health care bill, including the following provisions:
$500 billion in overall budget cuts for Medicare.
$170 billion in budget cuts for Medicare Advantage-the program's entire budget-leaving 12 million American seniors with fewer health care options.
A 20% cut in doctor's pay, forcing doctors to take on more patients and spend less time with each person in their care.

Why would the AARP endorse legislation which so clearly hurts the interests of senior citizens? You decide! For facts on how you will be affected by this legislation, click on this link to get

the facts.

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