Sunday, November 22, 2009

Several Hurdles Remain to Health Care Legislation

I have to tell you, the wind really came out of my sails yesterday. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I saw on Twitter someone said that of the bills opened up for debate in the senate such as the Reidcare bill, over 97% end up being approved by the Senate. Can that be TRUE? Oh no. And this is such a DOG of a bill. So much intrusion into our personal lives. I am hoping that this bill is different, because it is such a high profile case. Here are the final hurdles it must pass before going into law.

Eventually, Harry Reid will bring the Bill to “cloture” — the critical step where the Senate will vote to end the debate. Mr Obama needs 60 votes here to defeat a Republican filibuster. This will be the most important vote of the entire process.

If he manages to defeat a Republican filibuster with 60 votes, the Senate votes on final passage of the Bill. Only a simple majority — 51 votes — is needed.

The House and Senate must then appoint members to a “conference committee” from each chamber, which will meet to reconcile the House and Senate Bills into one piece of legislation.

Sixty votes will again be needed to stop Republicans blocking the appointment of such a committee.

If differences are reconciled the committee produces a “conference report” — the final version of the legislation. It is debated again in both chambers but cannot be amended.

Sixty votes are again needed in the Senate to bring the debate to cloture and to move to a final vote. If each chamber votes to pass the final legislation it goes to Mr Obama for signature.

Times Online.

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