Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hannah Giles Speaks at Reagan Ranch

Hey, I like her, too. I'll admit it. Not just because of her beauty. In fact, there are a lot of physically beautiful people in the world who don't capture my attention. I am enthralled by her bravery and patriotism. For a girl at such a young age to do what she did. Breathtaking. She stepped, virtually unprotected, onto the front lines of our "cold civil war". And came out with a bold victory. Amazing. She points out that there are more corrupt organizations to look at as well, like the Apollo Alliance and SEIU. You GO, girl! Hopefully there are plenty of people willing to help you in your work. i suspect that there are.

Reporting from Santa Barbara - Hannah Giles was in the middle of her guerrilla warfare lecture this weekend at the young conservatives leadership conference when a man in the audience interrupted her.

"We love you!" he cried out. The crowd erupted in applause and whistles.

"Aw," Giles said into the microphone. "I love you guys too."

At age 20, Giles is a rock star of conservative activism. She shot onto the national scene in September after posing as a prostitute at ACORN offices around the country, where she secretly videotaped employees who appeared to give her advice on tax evasion, human smuggling and child prostitution.

Outrage over the recordings led Congress to cut federal funding for the community organizing group.

Giles credits the Young America's Foundation -- the group that put on the conference -- with inspiring much of her political action.

Two years ago, she said, she was just a laid-back surfer kid from Miami when a friend got her to attend a foundation event in Washington, D.C. That, she said, was where she converted to conservatism.

In her lecture Friday about how to take down liberal organizations and expose what she called media corruption, Giles sought to stir others to action. "Above all, attack, attack, attack," she said, quoting Republican consultant Roger Stone. "Never defend."

For her own efforts, she was given the group's Young Student Activist award.

More here.

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