Friday, November 6, 2009

I have been BLOCKED off of Twitter

My Twitter account appears to be active. I can see my tweets from my own dashboard. But when I send messages mentioning others, they don't get the messages. When I use hashtags to identify my messages so others can search them, they don't go through. I believe this is because Twitter has a liberal point of view and is censoring conservative users. A number of other conservatives are having this same problem right now. Funny how this happens in the week leading up to a big vote on Obamacare/Pelosicare. Conservatives are mobilizing to get the message out and Twitter, itself, is blocking the messages. Grassfire went to Washington DC to hand-deliver petitions to Senators and they were TURNED AWAY.

Is this the kind of country we want to live in? If your answer is yes, stay silent. Really silent. They love you when you are silent.

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