Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Coakley Looks On While Her Thug Assaults Reporter

John McCormack of the Weekly Standard asked Coakley about her lobbyist fundraiser last night and he was shoved into a metal barricade by Michael Meehan of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). After he pushes the reporter to the ground, Meehan "helps" him up and then physically blocks the reporter from moving down the sidewalk. Coakley quietly walks away after witnessing the assault. As the Attorney General, does Coakley have a duty to report or prosecute this type of violent assault? McCormack noticed later that his suit pants were torn, and now he needs a new suit. Looks like Meehan owes him one. Meehan's prior work experience includes work for John Kerry, Maria Cantwell, NARAL, the DNC, and the Dukakis/Bentsen campaign.
More on the Weekly Standard, "We Report, We Get Pushed"
Another less scientific but still telling statistic from the Boston Herald: Brown's crushing Coakley on Facebook. Brown has 20,000 supporters compared to Coakley's 6,000. More interestingly, the "Facebook Women for Brown" group has over 1,000 members, while the "Women for Coakley" group has just 45.

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