Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday Twitter Chatter

Everyone is getting prepared for Obama's State of the Union (SOTU) address tonight. People on Twitter have strong opinions. Here are the choicest tidbits this morning:

jackiesic Said 1 well connected Democrat last night, “Things R so bad there is a betting pool on which DEMOCRAT screams ‘You Lie!’ tonight.” #tcot #p2

@NCAlliance: With this news, is BHO and his WH nearing a meltdown? Even some talk of canning Rahm-bo. #tcot #gop

kronaldgray Getting rid of Geithner may be like having a very bad sniper firing at us daily. If we kill him, he may be replaced by a very good one.

Kibitzette Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.-M. Mead

TombstoneBadBob THEY DON'T GET IT , YET! RT @GeneTaylorUSA: Why does GOP continue to back these RINOs over equally qualified conservatives. {RINO=Republican In Name Only, or a liberal Republican}

mardod RT @ aterkel RT @SenJohnMcCain: @JoeLiebermanwarm welcome to my dear friend Joe to twitter! // Fun times abound y'all #p2

RoseD1st Help wanted: $24,000 to stop Glenn Beck, 'tea-baggers': LMAO they are getting desperate

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