Monday, January 18, 2010


From tea partiers on Twitter:

All the many tea partiers here on Twitter wanted to send you one final “shout-out” before the big election in Massachusetts on Tuesday.

AND we wanted to share with you the results of our little tweeting campaign we’ve been conducting over the past week.

As you know, we’ve been tweeting articles and You Tube videos to both the National and Massachusetts media throughout the past week. Our tweets were to Newspapers, TV and Radio.

BOY OH BOY, were people interested in what we had to say!

• Over 100,000 tweets were sent;

• Over 20,000 people viewed the articles and videos we sent out;

• One national and several Massachusetts news organizations told us they would be investigating both of your organization’s activities on election day;

• Nearly 3000 people have told us they’d be bringing video cameras to polling places just to video you and yours “having election day fun.” (You wouldn’t beleive where people told us they’d be hiding cameras!)

Hat Tip Hillbuzz, Nice Deb.

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