Sunday, January 17, 2010

LOVED Him, Hated Her.

Don't these 2 photos from the Boston Globe tell the story perfectly? Brown is surrounded by a crowd of supporters. Coakley, on the other hand, is at a campaign event attended by 200 union workers. They were probably paid to be there. Look at that guy leaning away from her – as if he’s repulsed and can’t wait to get the heck outta there. Those poor guys look embarrassed to be there.
Anybody who thinks Scott Brown can't win this has rocks in his/her head. If you live on the East Coast, bake some brownies this morning and head to a Scott Brown rally. If you don't, head to Scott Brown's campaign site and get a phone list and do some phone banking. You want to stop Obama in his tracks? THEN DO SOMETHING!
Hat Tip Hillbuzz via The Strata Sphere via The Lonely Conservative.

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