Saturday, January 30, 2010


I don't even know where to begin to describe my reaction to last night's SOTU (full text, video). Here's what he said, in a nutshell: Nothing has changed, I still don't get it, and I intend to carry on as before. The second he said that the American people are thinking, in response to all his spending, is "what's in it for me?" I knew, beyond any shadow of any doubt, that he doesn't get it. The question is not what can I get from the government, but what can we do for our country. The government is not the country; its job is not to provide for its citizens anything except opportunity, freedom, and protection. Patriots know this.

When BO evokes the Constitution and/or American values, he will, in his next breath, undermine the Constitution and/or American values. He does this in almost every speech (this is one reason that I recommend reading the text of his speeches rather than watching him read them from the phalanx of teleprompters--though, to be honest, he's not as "magical" or "inspiring" as he once was, so it's becoming less important to read the words). He began his speech last night like any good high school student: he placed the speech itself in a historic (and constitutional) context. He then went on not to talk about the state of the union but of the state of his own crumbling presidency and what else he's going to do to destroy our constitutional republic.

When BO talks about solutions, they are always (and I mean always) ways to grow government, ways to empower government. Empowering the government means restricting the individual, the people. It can mean nothing else. When BO talks about "what is right," it is always about what the government thinks is right, what the government will impose on the people, regardless of what we want or of our constitutional freedoms. Clearly out of his mind, BO intends to plow ahead with his radical progressive agenda while mindfully ignoring the will of the people (we don't fit in his vision of a "fundamentally transformed" America). Sure, he made some suggestions that might be considered conservative. If you don't think about them, that is. If you think about them, the only conclusion to draw is that he is working his butt off to socialize and nationalize everything. Everything.
Read more here.
If you don't know about the blogger, Fuzzy Slippers, I will tell you. She MUST be on your blogroll. This gal's writing is among the highest quality on the internet. She belongs writing for such top sites as American Thinker. All of her pieces are original, and astoundingly well-reasoned. As you can see, I can't say enough good things about Fuzzy Slippers, one of my favorite bloggers.

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