Sunday, January 24, 2010

Do We Get To Take A Deep Breath?

I don't know about you. But I, for one, have a new attitude since Scott Brown was elected Senator of Massachusetts. I have been terrified this entire year that Obama would be able to inflict lasting harm onto our nation. Obamacare would have been the worst. The government infrastructure set up to oversee our health care would have harmed that industry greatly. Irreparably.

Also Cap and Tax. And amnesty for illegals. Can it be possible that our politicians will now be able to defend us in Washington? Because, honestly, we have been virtually defenseless through all of 2009. What an awful year that was. Americans protested. Washington politicians cackled, "Ha, ha! Let's ram it through before they can stop us!" Americans called, faxed, emailed and tweeted. Politicians sneered, "Those people calling and writing are fringe elements. They are extremists."

And that is what is so beautiful about what happened in Massachusetts. By electing Scott Brown as the 41st Republican vote, Americans, ordinary Americans showed exactly WHO is upset at the Radical Obama Agenda. Independents and Republicans completely rejected the Obama agenda. And also 20% of Democrats. That is a large group of people. I wonder if the forecasters can take those results and plug them in nationwide for a look at what November 2010 might look like. I hear rumblings on the internet that if the Massachusetts Miracle holds true, Democratss will lose their large majority in congress.

You don't say. You mean you can't sneer at and laugh in voter's faces for a full year an face no consequences?

The best news is that Scott Brown's election brings November's bounty home a little early. Kind of like Christmas in July. November in January. So Happy 2010 my fellow Americans. I have a good feeling about this.

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