Friday, April 1, 2011

Glenn Beck replay blocked off Fox last night-talk of Iran rising

I sometimes play news shows to drone me to sleep. I was unable to last night. Fox News greeted me with a black screen, although the guide function told me that Glenn Beck was being replayed. All the other news station broadcasts came through. MSNBC, CNN were clear. Fox News was blocked. So I went to my DVR and found the earlier broadcast was still there. Guys, I think something is up here. Could the Fox-owning Saudis object to what Glenn said about the twelfth Imam? He points out that the qualifications of the twelfth Imam fit perfectly descriptions given in Revelations describing the anti-Christ.

This sounds crazy, but the Iranian leaders believe it.  To understand events, we need to understand that Iran views Israel as the little satan, and America as the great satan.  Iran will menace America if Israel falls.  Yes, this topic does matter to Americans.

And then he goes on to interview a man who is now under protection and a former CiA agent who worked in Iran:

Iran seems to be cobbling together power in the middle east. A man under protection says that Iran and those who see the uprisings as signaling that the end is near, believe that they will lead the armies of Islam to victory and conquer Jerusalem for Islam before the 12th Imam can appear. They fully intend to use Iran's nuclear weapons against Israel in order to make this happen. This man who's identity is obscured has received calls from contacts in Iran's revolutionary guard who told him that this was indeed in the works.

The entire episode has been posted on You Tube, if you don't DVR.

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