Friday, April 29, 2011

Obamacare's hidden, unlimited slush fund

Freedomworks is sounding the alarm on an unlimited slush fund they found. I guess whoever wrote Obamacare forgot to study up on the separation of powers and the Constitution.
Under our Constitution, only Congress has the power of the purse.  To formally delegate to the President the power to appropriate funds from the Treasury without stint or limit breaches the separation of powers in fact, if not in form.  
In short, Section 1311(a) of PPACA is a dangerous, irresponsible, and arguably unconstitutional delegation of money and power to the Executive Branch.
Regardless of one's opinions about government-run health care, surely all Americans can agree that this slush fund gives the President -- any President -- too much power. 
The vote is next week.  To learn more about this bill and related issues, visit our Obamacare Repeal War Room.
Or go straight to our petition page to send an email to your Congressman.

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