Saturday, April 16, 2011

Look at Trump's past actions, ignore his words.

Every businessman gives money to Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer, Charlie Crist and Hillary Clinton? Trump supports Canadian-style health care. He wrote in his own book "we must have universal health care."

I am saddened by this news. I was excited for about a week, thinking that Trump could take up our causes and fight the good fight on our behalf. By "our" I mean the Tea Party. Trump now refers to himself as a compassionate conservative. Well, his brand of compassion will be just another man sitting in the White House who vetos our attempts to repeal Obamacare. We MUST look at his past actions and ignore his words. Obama fleeced America with his good con. We cannot afford to be swept away by the first blush of infatuation. Our country is at stake. Let's act like adults and stare the facts in the face. If you are giving Trump serious consideration, do your due diligence and listen to this audio from Mark Levin.  You will hear Donald Trump in his own words.  And you will see for yourself who he donated campaign money to.  Not in the old days.  He donated this money to liberals in the teeth of our Tea Party struggles in 2009 and 2010.

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