Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tina Fey admits Sarah Palin imitation may have hurt her career

Oh really. Fey goes on to say that half of the nation now sees her and her costar Alec Baldwin as Commie Pinkos. Ya think? Fey pushed the Sarah-is-stupid meme week after week after week. So far that many people forgot that Sarah Palin never said that she could see Russia from her house. SNL was full of high-fives when their skewering of Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton had measurable impacts on poll numbers. Their comedic skits are a form of power which they wielded mercilessly against their opposition. Yes, entertainers can become involved in politics. Hey, it's a free country. And the rest of us are free to tune out their future projects. I'd rather watch CSPAN than spend one minute staring at Fey's snide countenance. It's a visceral reaction. Alec Baldwin, too, although my horror at how he called his daughter a "little pig" on a message he left on the little girl's cell phone was worse than anything he could possibly do in politics. What kind of loathsome grown man attacks a child like that. They can take their "30 Crock" show and stuff it down the sewer as far as I'm concerned. No, wait. They just did.  The show is canceled.

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