Monday, April 25, 2011

Obama intends to push failed DISCLOSE Act through executive order

Of course this only pertains to government contractors. Not recipients of government aid like Planned Parenthood, or unions. Come to think of it, this can't be Constitutional. I think a little old-fashioned conscientious objecting is in order. NOBODY should obey this if it is passed. Let the little tyrant try to get this backed up in courts. Heck, the Supreme Court denied it. The Congress denied it. Obama just can't keep his little tyrant hands off of political free speech. Not with an election coming up. Well he can POUND SAND!

Washington ( –  In what the White House calls a push for transparency, a pending executive order would require companies doing business with the federal government to disclose political contributions to independent groups, but would not place the same requirement on public employee unions or federal grant recipients that typically donate to Democrats.
Entitled the “Disclosure of Political Spending By Government Contractors,” the order would implement parts of the DISCLOSE Act, which failed to get through Congress last year. The legislation sought to restrict campaign speech after the landmark Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission U.S. Supreme Court ruling that upheld the right of corporations and unions to donate to campaigns.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney confirmed Monday that work is underway on the draft order, and linked the move to President Obama’s stated commitment to transparency.

“We fully acknowledge there is a process underway,” he told “A draft is just that. It’s a draft until it makes its way through the process. The president is committed to transparency and he certainly thinks American taxpayers should know where their money is going.”
Government contractors are already required to disclose contributions to political candidates. This executive order would require the disclosure of any donations to independent groups, where conservative groups outspent liberal ones in the 2010 election.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said the executive order would stifle free speech.
Read more here.

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