Friday, April 22, 2011

National Debt and Jobs, which is the worse problem?

Which issue is more important? I think anyone who says we need to choose between the two of them is setting up a false choice. Both must be solved of they will destroy our way of life.

14+ trillion and counting. Raising the debt ceiling without government cutbacks/austerity measures will be a crime against our children. It is financial abuse, plain and simple.

Dems need to wake up and realize that government jobs are not "real jobs" in terms of the economy. Real jobs take place in the private sector, they generally produce something, and the workers pay taxes that support the government. Many, many of these jobs are required to support just ONE government job. So if Obama hires government workers and claims he is "creating jobs" the only thing he is creating is a CON JOB. How is he paying those workers when a large percent of our national budget is not covered by taxes. Borrowed money? Borrowed from whom? Paid back by whom (our children). Printed money? Remember, printing more devalues everybody's money, so printing is actually STEALING from all of us. Especially those who have saved money. Again, Obama's policies are punishing the responsible people in society.

1. Severe cutbacks not only to the point of a balanced budget but further, to pay off the debt we have already accumulated. How about confiscating the $timulus money that has not already been spent, for starters.

2. Get off the backs of private industry and allow them to create jobs. Repeal Obamacare. This is the biggest albatross creating uncertainty in today's business climate. Make the Bush Tax Cuts permanent. Decrease taxes and regulations that drive American business overseas.

I don't know about you but I believe we are in a depression. McDonald's job riots? You've got to be kidding me. 51% California home sales are short sales or REOs (distressed properties)? When people have JOBS they can pay for a HOUSE!  The housing market collapse will not be fixed until the private job market recovers.  We are in a world of hurt and we need to get this fixed starting YESTERDAY!

Warning: graphic violence from McDonald's parking lot.

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