Friday, October 17, 2008

The Back Story

I realized that my overseas readers might not fully understand the "Joe the Plumber" issue that came up this past week. Joe the Plumber is a man who met Senator Barack Obama on the campaign trail and asked him if he really intends to raise taxes on those making over $250,000 per year. This would be a problem for Joe, because he intends, through his own hard work, to purchase the plumbing business he has worked for. Here is the clip of the original meeting. Original campaign trail question by Joe the Plumber to Barack Obama

The issue became a center point to the subsequent presidential debate. Here is a portion of the debate. Presidential Debate re: Joe the Plumber

Sadly, the Loony Left launched a smear campaign against this citizen. They dug up his divorce papers, tax records and birth certificate. Anything they could find to try to discredit him. What they don't understand is that Joe is not running for office. It really doesn't matter what the facts are surrounding his life. What matters is that Barack Obama plans to raise taxes during a recession. He plans to raise taxes on small business. Small business provides 90% of American jobs. So if you think that this tax plan is a way to "stick it" to the "rich people", understand that regular people will lose jobs because of it. Understand that we will be telling our children that they should work hard and try for a better life, but G-d help them if they make more than $250,000 per year. Then they will be punished.

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