Tuesday, October 7, 2008

family relations, family revelations

The trip was fabulous. Better than my wildest dreams. I can't believe it. I have a large family. I'm in shock. My DH always had the family on his side. When we got married, tons of people came from his side, and a few stragglers trickled in from my side. My parents and siblings from up north. Nobody from the midwest. And now, suddenly, I have an aunt I never got to know, 4 WONDERFUL cousins, and 12 awesome, well-behaved nieces and nephews. I had SO much fun visiting them. I can't WAIT to go back. I am having a hard time putting into words why it was so great. I think it is because they are so Real. Kind. Curious. Down-home. Loyal. Sweet. Dutiful. I don't know. These paltry words don't do them justice. Anyway, suffice it to say that they really made me feel part of the family. They asked me about everything. And they cared. They wanted to know what happened and when and to whom, and they celebrated my victories and suffered my pain. And vice versa. And they are staunch conservatives. YES!

Additionally, Aunt M is feeling much better. And she got good news at the doctor visit the prior weekend. If things go well with her, she may yet have 2 to 5 more years, since her cancer is very slow-growing. This is great news and perked everybody up. She is eating and gaining strength every day. She went out to meals with us, and even drove to the grocery store by herself once to pick up mums.

There was one bombshell for me personally. Aunt M told me that I have a great great grandfather who was Jewish. HUH? REALLY? COOL! He is my father's mother's grandfather on her father's side. He was a German Jew and converted to Catholicism. I was raised Catholic. I asked my Dad yesterday why he never told me. He says he never knew. So I guess my grandmother did more chit-chatting with her daughter than with her son, which makes sense.

I took a lot of pictures. And I took pictures of this cool photo album with pictures from 1900 through 1960. I need to load them up and crop them and see about the quality. I'll share some when I can.

I'm still walking on air since this weekend's trip. Burning with a happiness so profound and deep that even political debates can't extinguish.

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