Monday, October 20, 2008

Yard Sign Vandalism

I noticed some problems with the yard signs this past week. On Sunday it got Bad.

In California, there is a proposition, Prop 8, which, if passed would be a constitutional amendment stating that marriage is between one man and one woman. A proposition to this effect was passed here a few years ago, but it was reversed recently by the state Supreme Court, on the grounds that it is not constitutional. A constitutional amendment is by definition "constitutional" so the court will not be able to reverse it if it passes. My town is pretty conservative, so there were several Yes on Prop 8 signs popping up. I had not seen any for No on Prop 8 until around Thursday. I saw one on the main corner near my house where all the other candidates put their signs on the city landscaping area. About an hour later I drove by the same corner and the the No on Prop 8 sign was missing. Now all the Prop 8 signs are missing from the main streets. There are no signs at all on the main streets of my city that refer to Prop 8, with one exception shown below.

On Friday I saw that a neighbor of mine put up a No on Prop 8 sign. Then on Sunday I saw that the sign was torn and re-taped together with a message taped to the sign. As if somebody had torn it up. Disturbing.

So Sunday afternoon I was driving back home and saw someone who appeared to be installing a large Yes on Prop 8 sign by the main boulevard intersection in town. I looked over because the sign was shaking and I thought, hey, that guy must be putting the sign post into the ground. Then I saw him reach around and tear off the front part of the sign, which was a yellow vinyl banner, and he took off running with the yellow banner bunched under his arm toward a black Audi getaway car. I thought, wait a minute! He's not putting up a sign, he's STEALING the sign! Out of the corner of my eye, I saw another man tearing up a small No on Prop 8 sign from the same group of signs. I got angry and pulled into the deserted parking lot that the car was speeding through to see if I could get a look at the license plate. There was a slow-moving car in front of me that prevented me from getting too close. I guess it wasn't meant to be. Besides, there were no good plates. The car had dealer plates, and I couldn't read them. I called the police later to report what I saw, and they said, was the car black? I said yes. They said they were already investigating it. On Monday I drove by and snapped this cell phone picture out of the car window. What you can't see in this picture is that the ply wood has a rim of yellow vinyl on it, with grommets still attached.

So let me tell you. California may not be a "battleground" state in the presidential race, but the Gay Marriage issue is huge and very emotional on both sides. I'm saddened by this and a little bit frightened. I witnessed 2 sign vandalisms occurring at the same time by opposing sides. It would not take much for these confrontations to turn violent. I sure hope nobody gets hurt.

All is calm in my yard. Just to be safe, though, we put a guard baby out front.

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