Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Windy Sukkot

I don't know if you remember last year how I posted a picture of the boys hanging fruit in the Sukkah outside of our house? We build this booth every year as part of a Jewish Festival called Sukkot. We eat in the Sukkah for 8 days and nights. The problem this year is that we experienced strong Santa Ana winds the first day, and the newly assembled Sukkah was pretty much destroyed. This is what I found in the morning.

This hearkens more than usual to the time when the Hebrews were wandering in the desert for 40 years and lived in fragile booths.

I decided I needed some comfort food.

There was a surprising incident. Our ice maker suddenly and inexplicably started making ice again. Here you see ice-maker ice sitting on top of a bed of store-purchased ice.

Things got better and we had a wonderful week dining alfresco.

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