Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Memories of Marxist Professors

Barack Obama shrugs off charges of socialism, but noted in his own memoir that he carefully chose Marxist professors as friends in college.
-Fox News

This sure brings me back to the old days. All these years since I attended UCLA, whenever anybody mentioned Liberal Professors, I nodded knowingly. I, too, had Marxist professors in college.

It was just before I graduated that I found myself taking an elective class in Sociology at UCLA in 1987. I didn't know what to expect. I mean, what exactly *is* Sociology? OK, so I'd go in with an open mind. When I was presented with a TON of Marxist material, I was taken aback. HUH? What is going on here? Did we not win the Cold War? Yikes! Did I complete the class? Yes. Did I complain, raise my hand, or otherwise try to argue with the professors? No. I knew I had stumbled into a bastion of American Marxism, and I walked quickly in the other direction. America has freedom of thought and freedom of speech, so they had a right to their opinions. But I didn't need to be a part of it.

My father explained communism to me when I was very young. I remember his explanation. He told me communism is where you own a cow. And the government comes and takes it away. Definitely not the American way, I thought. I have thanked my lucky stars every day of my life that I was born in America. When we own a cow, we get to keep it. I love this country. I love our freedoms. I love the American Dream, where anybody can come from anywhere and through hard work and perseverance they can make a good life for themselves. My parents and grandparents did it. My husband's father came to America as a teenager, fresh from wartime Shanghai, after having escaped the holocaust. While his teenage older brother worked and put food on the table, he went to school and became an electrical engineer. No parents to help them. Nobody but themselves. He met a nice lady, married and had 5 children who all grew up to marry and are raising families successfully. No welfare.

I remember when my friend from college, N, told me that her buddy from Harvard Law School, Barack Obama, was running for President of the United States in the Democrat Primary. Would I like to volunteer? Or donate money? Or attend a fundraiser? I told her I was a Republican. Also, I felt I didn't know much about Barack Obama. I would be careful to listen and learn more. I mean, you never know.

And now I hear he was the type of person in college who *sought out* Marxist professors? Sorry. But that is the exact opposite of me. But wasn't that a long time ago, you ask. Yes. But look at what Barack Obama's views are right now, Today. He wants to "spread the wealth". Those are his words. When he was asked in greater detail if he would still go ahead with that tax plan if increasing taxes of small business hurt the economy such that there would be LESS wealth to "spread around", would he still go through with it? He said yes, in the interest of "fairness". So it is not about enriching the poor at all. It is about punishing the achievers in society. This is the opposite of the America I was raised to love.

I hope you will look very closely at the candidate you wish to vote for. I know we need a change from these last 8 years. But this kind of change takes away from our children. It gives them a country with less hope, not more.

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