Monday, April 27, 2009

100 days of %&@*!

Post borrowed from a friend*:

The Obama-presidential-apprenticeship-melodrama mega-media-training-wheels-tour is peddling American guilt and weakness overseas and unconstitutional bank grabs at home. This is an appeasement-mentality administration on the world stage, and an aggressive affirmative-action administration on U.S. economic and social policies.
Our enemies sense a weak, inexperienced, indecisive, reactionary, ill-prepared, non-confrontational man-child sitting in the Oval Office and have concluded it is now time to not only test American will and strength but to attack it head on. North Korea tested a long range nuclear-capable missile with Iran’s help that could reach Japan and United States homeland. Iran stepped up the global war against America, Israel and every country with democratic ideals and recently arrested American journalist Roxana Saberi for espionage and sentenced her to 8 years in prison. China called for a one-world currency to replace the U.S. Dollar, and Obama's "tax cheat" Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner actually stated that he “was open to the idea”. Russia shut off gas flow to Europe to let the world know they too control a majority of the world's oil supplies. Somali militant pirates attacked a U.S. tanker and held Captain Richard Phillips hostage for 4 days…. 4 days! And the Taliban march to take over Pakistan.
Obama’s response so far, is to bow to Arab oil sheiks, embrace tyrants like Cuba’s Castro and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez who called President Bush “the Devil” an America “the most murderous imperial empire in the history of the world”, meekly reacting to the North Korea missile launch and taking credit for sitting on his hands while the Commanding Officer at the scene of the "Pirate hostage stand off" finally gave the order to take the pirates out due to Obama’s in-action.
In a short 100 days Obama has proven that as President he is not capable of appreciating and defending the incredible positive effect our country has had on the development of the modern world. If Obama cannot defend America’s reputation, how can we expect him to protect our nation?
* note that not all Tea Party participants are white and grey-haired, as some in the liberal media have claimed. See prior posts for more pictures.

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