Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why will I do it?

Tomorrow I will put my flesh where my mouth is. I will stand in the open air of my local Tea Party for all to see. I will stand up for my country, for the freedom that I believe in. I am a mother of 6 children, the youngest 1 year old, and yet I will do this. Why?
I remember many occasions as a child, and one in particular, that may help you to understand where I am coming from. I remember standing in my morning shower, around the age of 12, just marveling. Wondering how in the world I had been so lucky, so blessed to have been born in the great country of the United States of America. What had I done to deserve this, when there are people all over the world being born into starvation, poverty and oppression. I live in the Land of Opportunity, flowing with the fruits of the labor of the private sector, available to all who have the wit and the drive to accomplish great things.
Now I see my country under attack. Maybe President Obama means well. I like to think he does. Maybe he truly believes that Centralization of Power to the government is the medicine that our nation needs. That we must Nationalize Healthcare, Nationalize Energy, Nationalize Education, Take Over Private Business, pit citizen against citizen in class warfare so that all may become equal.
But I have my beliefs as well. I believe in my SOUL that this is the wrong path for our nation. I saw in my trip to Sweden how destructive this way of life is to the citizens and children. All becomes drab sameness, person to person, house to house. Those who dream of and achieve greatness are forced to flee the country. I cannot stand idly by and watch these "Changes" happen to my country without speaking up. I will not give up on this great nation of Freedom and Liberty without a fight.
I urge you to attend your local Tea Party tomorrow. Bring a sign. Stand with me. If you love your country, if you love your children, if you honor the legacy left to you by your forefathers through their blood, please do this. It means everything.
Edit: tea party info and schedules: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=94895

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