Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let's chase away the businesses

Great idea! This is what California did over the past years. Passed laws making this state extremely unfriendly to business. So they left. And now CA is crying about budget deficits. "Oh, gosh. We don't know how this happened. It must be the economy." It's not the economy. It's politics, stupid! You can't pass a bunch of laws that punish business and the "rich" and expect to have a good stream of tax revenues.
Now New York is trying the same thing. A brilliant plan has just been implemented, called the "millionaire's tax". Anybody earning over 300,000 per year gets hit, and hit hard. Explain to me how 300,000 suddenly equals a million? Let's not quibble. Now Rush Limbaugh is leaving the state for good, and the politicians laugh and say that if they knew that would happen, they would have raised taxes a long time ago. Oh, go ahead and laugh. But you won't be laughing all the way to the bank. You will be laughing all the way to the poor house. Just like Sweden chased away Bjorn Borg and IKEA. Donald Trump is thinking of leaving New York as well.
Did you know that government can't create jobs? It is mathematically impossible. Government takes money from private industry. To create more government jobs, you have to take *more* money from private industry. Thereby crippling private industry, which is the ECONOMY.
Government can't save us. We need to find ways to empower private enterprise and American businesses. So employers can get excited again and hire people. This is how the economy *really* works.

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